Monday, August 29, 2022


Hydrated copper silicate that ranges from blue to green, sometimes brown to black.

There is “gem silica’"(quite rare and fairly expensive with a hardness of 7) that is often referred to as chrysocolla. It is not, but actually is chalcedony colored by the same mineral salts.   Druzy chrysocolla has a crust of small sparkling quartz crystal in small cavities.

 Hardness=2-4 (A very soft stone)

 Chakras:  Base, Navel, Solar, Heart and Throat

v  Gentle, water-like energy. Gives renewed strength & balance.

v  Inner strength, Harmony, understanding. 

v  Purifies home & environment.

v  Antidote to anxiety, depression, heartache or disappointment.  Wash away negative emotions and thoughts.

v  Help communicate with authenticity.

v  Find joy, confidence, transformation, inner security, tolerance, truth, inner balance, creativity and motivation.

v  Release patterns of sarcasm and criticism.

  • Helpful for pancreas,  blood sugar balance, arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, stomach ulcers, carpal tunnel,  blood or lung disorders.
  • Strengthen physical vitality,  muscular structure of legs, arms, back, abdomen and the body's resistance to disease. Lower blood pressure.
  • Detoxifies liver, kidneys and intestines.  Fortifies liver functions including fatty buildup.
  • Helps regulate thyroid and adrenals.
  • Excellent for sore throats, laryngitis.
  • Keep it close at hand before dental work or surgery.  Reduces bleeding and inflammation.


Associated Essential oils of:  German Chamomile,  Ledum, Melissa, Blue Tansy, Helichrysm, Muhuhu, Blue Cypress, Yarrow

Essential oil blends of: Brave Heart, Cairn, Desert Lapis, Five Powers, Outback Blue, Silverado, Splendor, Symphony, Turquoise, Valiant,

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